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Veganuary recipe 1 – Risotto

Brown Rice Pumpkin Risotto

3 tbsp. olive oil

1 onion finely diced

1 clove garlic minced

1 small pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes

½ glass white wine

10dl cooked brown rice

1.5lt vegetable stock

Sea salt


1 tbsp. non dairy cream (oat, soya, rice, etc)

A bunch of parsley, finely chopped


Heat olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan, add garlic for a moment before adding onions then fry on a low/medium heat until onions are translucent.  Add squash and a pinch of salt then sauté for 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally. Add wine and allow it to reduce then add rice and bit by bit add hot stock, each time leaving it to absorb into the rice.  Continue until the rice becomes creamy, this should take about ten minutes.  Finish with black pepper, oat cream and parsley.

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