Ska ni ha konferens, workshop, eller är ni kanske behov av frukost-och lunchleveranser?  Läs mer

How to tell if you’re getting yours..

When I was a fit, athletic young man, people who didn’t know me so well thought that I was obviously getting plenty. Then, as they got to know more about my personal habits, they thought that I probably wasn’t getting very much at all. The reality was that yes, actually I was getting mine, and […]

Natural Detox with Happy M

A funny thing happened the other day at Happy M Kitchen: as we were going about our business and preparing for the daily lunchtime rush, the door suddenly burst open and a lady stuck her head inside and said “There’s no such thing as detox!!” Then she closed the door and went on her way, leaving […]

Behind the scenes by Jack – Short & sweet

It’s been a busy month at Happy M Kitchen so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. In fact, I’m going to keep it very short and very sweet by talking about sugar, specifically highly refined sugar. So I’m quite sure we’re all familiar with the sweetness of sugar, but what about its shortness? […]

Spring cleanse by Jack

My family and I moved to Sweden last spring to be a part of the Happy M Kitchen project. When we left our home in the Costa Blanca in Spain it was a delicious 25c with endless clear blue skies, but as we stepped off the plane in Gothenburg to a more than refreshing 5c with horizontal rain, […]

Behind the scenes… by Jack

Vi bad vår underbare, och mycket kunniga kock, Jack, att ge oss en inblick i vad som händer där bak i köket. Hur går tankegångarna, vilka riktlinjer lagar de vår Happy food med? Och vilken mat är de speciellt förtjusta i? Så här kommer en liten inblick “Behind the scenes”. We are really passionate about […]

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