och kurser
Our cooking classes are all about sharing our passion for healthy, sexy food. All our classes focus on the core Happy M Kitchen principle of vibrant, delicious, nurturing, plant-based meals and snacks that form the solid foundation of a consistently healthy way of eating. No extreme detox or weight loss dieting or fasting, no brutal exercise regimes, just easy to prepare food that excites the taste buds and deeply nourishes the body, mind, and soul. This is not food that requires will-power to stick with, this is food that radiates happiness, and loves to be eaten by a big smile.

Our “Detox Every Day” series of masterclasses offer a great opportunity to explore the methods and principals behind creating food that is quite literally bursting with life and vitality. Our Chef will teach you how to prepare a beautiful, nourishing, three-course meal, and also give you plenty of handy tips and cheats on things like: cooking techniques, fast meals from left-overs, where to find the best ingredients, how to change old eating habits, and the theories behind having a balanced diet.
The masterclasses are run in a series of three. All classes are different and can be attended as a single class or as part of the series where they are designed to complement each other. Classes include a full meal with a glass of bubbles, a cold pressed juice, or a kombucha, and of course all recipes from the class will be available for you to take home.

Evening classes
Our evening classes are perfect as an introduction to this exciting and life-changing way of cooking, or as an inspirational top-up for those with experience who are wishing to broaden their own repertoire. With simple, easy to follow recipes, each class will focus on a different subject or area of plant-based cuisine.
Hur bokar jag en kurs?
När kurser finns tillgängliga kommer de synas på webbsidan. Ni anmäler er genom att använda vårt kontaktformulär. Vi behöver bl a din mejladress och ett telefonnummer som vi kan nå dig på. Uppge också om du har någon form av matallergi i samband med beställningen.
Vid funderingar om vad som helst som rör matlagningsklasserna mejlar du oss på eller ring 031 – 13 13 70.