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Happy M teams favoritmat

Här bjuder vi på 3 av våra favoritrecept!

Recepten här kan serveras med fullkornsris, hirs eller quinoa. Aduki böngrytan passar jättebra till dig som inte är van att äta bönor. Det är en ”snäll” bönsort som kroppen har lättare att smälta än många andra. Alger (wakame och kombu i dessa recept) behöver vi alla äta mer av! Innehåller superduper bra näringsämnen som vi har svårt att få i oss annars. Och bönor så klart. Ät mer bönor och linser kära vänner!

Sweet & Sour Aduki Beans

Klicka för större bild

250g aduki beans (soaked in cold water overnight or for at least 8 hours)
1 piece of kombu
75ml tamari
75ml olive or sesame oil
75ml cider vinegar
75ml rice syrup
2 onions (finely diced)

Bring the adzuki beans to a boil in the water used to soak with the kombu. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes or until soft, adding more water if needed. Fry the onions in a dash of oil until lightly browned. Once the beans are cooked, transfer them to a baking dish and add the fried onions and remaining ingredients, mixing well. Bake at 175c for 30 minutes. Remove and add 1⁄2 cup water if needed, then bake for another 10 – 15 minutes.

Golden Roasted Cauliflower

1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets
1 tsp turmeric
1⁄2 tsp cardamom
1⁄2 tsp salt
1-2 tbsp olive oil

Steam or blanche the cauliflower for 2 minutes then drain and put on a baking tray. Dress with the remaining ingredients then bake at 180c for 6-8 minutes.

Haricot Vert, Cucumber, and Wakame Salad

200g haricot verts, trimmed and chopped in half
1 cucumber, shaved into ribbons lengthways
A 10 cm piece of wakame
1 tsp sea salt
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp apple juice concentrate
2 tbsp tamari
Toasted sesame seeds

Blanche or steam the haricot verts for 2 minutes then cool down in cold water and drain.
Mix the salt with the cucumber ribbons then leave in a sieve for 10 minutes.
Soak the wakame in cold water for 10 minutes then cut away hard spine and roughly chop.

Mix the remaining ingredients together to make dressing.


Ps. Du kan byta ut rissirap mot lönn- eller agavesirap istället.

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